Wednesday, August 24, 2011

High School requires students read about graphic lesbian sex

 New Jersey - A New Jersey school district has apologized to parents after requiring high school students to read books that include graphic depictions of lesbian sex and a homosexual orgy. “Some of the language is inappropriate,” said Chuck Earling, superintendent of Monroe Township Schools in Williamstown, N.J. “We were not trying to create controversy. We were just trying to get students to read.” The books were on a required summer reading list for middle school and high school students. The district decided to pull the book off the list, with the start of school just days away. Peter Sprigg, with the Family Research Council, said he’s not surprised. “Here we see the intersection of parental values being offended, the hyper-sexualization of our youth and the homosexual agenda being pushed.” “This just illustrates why a lot of American parents are not willing to entrust their children to the public schools anymore.”  More   

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